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For a full list of items visit OSL Publishing

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Book of Offices and Services

ISBN 10: 1478391022  

ISBN 13: 9781478391029

Bringing Christian devotions and worship to individuals and groups alike, this updated fourth edition of The Book of Offices and Services of The Order of Saint Luke skillfully blends ancient practices with contemporary language and liturgical excellence. Highlights include four settings for Holy Communion (Eucharist); the Daily Office "prayers of the hours" (Morning, Mid-Morning, Noon, Mid-Afternoon, Evening, Compline and Vigil); pastoral services for healing, reconciliation and passage through death into eternal life. An extensive Worship Resources section features hymns, prayers, canticles and 20 of the most popular Psalms. This book would a valuable addition to any Christian's library, especially members of the worldwide Order of Saint Luke.



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A Lukan Book of Feasts and Holy Days

ISBN-10: 197575137X

ISBN-13: 978-1975751371

This book contains offices for celebrating liturgical feasts, recognizing that they are communal events that re-member the past as we are nourished by stories into which the community enters (anamnesis), embodying the deep mysteries and rich symbols of the Tradition.  These feasts also celebrate the present, generating, celebrating, and embodying the community’s identity. These feasts express, sustain, and empower the community’s way of being in the world, manifesting a “large table” which is inclusive and expansive, rather than a private and exclusive one.  In addition, they shape the future. In feasts, we envision a future hope that transforms how we act in the present (prolepsis). They enable us to see beyond the immediate situation and call us to act in preparation for that future. They celebrate not only who we are, but who we are becoming.



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A Lukan Book of Hours

ISBN-10: 1508553017

ISBN-13: 978-1508553014

This book provides basic forms for the liturgy of the hours. It is designed to be a resource for those who desire to: pray a brief relatively simple office; pray a stable office throughout a season; and pray with opportunities for extended silence.



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