About Us
The Order of Saint Luke is a dispersed ecumenical religious order. Founded by Methodists, the Order currently includes United Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Baptists, members of Holiness movement churches, and many others in the Christian families besides. Our focus is on sacramental and liturgical scholarship and practice, and ongoing spiritual formation guided by the Rule of Life and Service. While the majority of our members are in The United States, we have a growing number of members in other countries, including the Philippines and Singapore. We are clergy and lay, married and single. We’ve been around for over sixty years.
This chapter was established to serve the people of Western and Central Pennsylvania. The chapter is named in honor of Rev. Hoyt Hickman (May 22, 1927-September 6, 2016), a Pittsburgh native who transformed the United Methodist Hymnal, the Book of Worship and other worship resources. Hickman served as executive secretary of its Commission on Worship from 1968 to 1972. For the next 21 years, he was director of worship resources development for the United Methodist Board of Discipleship, now Discipleship Ministries.